Sunday, September 2, 2018

Being a cusp Millennial

As someone who was born halfway through 1980, I'm sometimes classified as a Gen Xer and sometimes a Millennial.  A new term has been coined for that age group - Xennial - which is for the  and micro-generation between 1977 and 1985.


       It seems like this term was first noticed in 2014, to describe this age group.  It is people who grew up in the days of playing outside but are now pretty tech savvy.  We grew up as tech grew up too.  We aren't as negative as Gen X but we aren't as overly optimistic as Millennial's.  It's a good balance.

       Reading this article, about 5 Traits older generations don't understand was pretty interesting, since I feel that I have one foot in each of those worlds.
      The last one was most interesting to me, Tackling Brand New Industries. The person in the article literally grew up to be a video game player and went on to teach others how to make money playing video games!  I can wrap my head around that easily.  That is fantastic for them!  Where my pre-millennialism starts to show is when I start thinking about how to make a very nice living off only having a YouTube Channel.

        How does one start? How much time is spent thinking about content?  How do you know what people want to see?
       Some of the homesteading vlogs I watch are so successful, both adults in the house (because most, if not all, are married with kids) have been able to quit their mundane jobs and vlog full time.
They garden, raise animals, and in some cases, sell their produce/animal product.   All thanks to a new industry, Vlogging.

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