Sunday, September 16, 2018

Online Surveys

Online surveys are something that has become a business of its own.   You can get paid now, just to give your opinions.   Many companies offer a chance to win a gift card or even receive a coupon to use at their business. I've started seeing an increase in one question surveys on Instagram asking simply, which do you like more - A or B and you can see what the population and target audience/followers are interested in.
There are a couple companies out there that specailize in online surveys Zoomerang and SurveyMonkey.  I've worked a couple places now that have used SurveyMonkey for work related questions. It seems quick and easy to get going with them, as well as free.

Zoomerang offers a tutorial video on how to create better survey questions. The first one is "clearly define the purpose of the survey" or in other words, "what are you trying to find out".  If you don't know what you're looking for, your questions won't be to the point and won't give you the information you're wanting.
Next one is to keep the survey short.  They say this helps actually get people to take the survey and finish.   Have you ever thought you'd kill a minute answering a few questions and then 20 questions in, there is no end in sight?  The quality of answers can go down too. This goes back to the first tip - know what you want to know.  You can drill down quickly and more effectively.
Third and forth are keep the questions simple and close ended.   Close ended questions goes against a lot of what we have been taught in communication with others, but in this case, it is necessary.  The more closely you can get to some for, of "Yes" or "No" answer, the better.  Even a scaled answer, as in, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very satisfied, will help get a good result. And don't flip flop what your scale means.  If 5 is always the best, don't change it to 1 being the best, some questions later.   Also, don't change to a scale of 1-4.
Make sure the questions build on each other and flow towards a conclusion.  Don't start by asking "Do you put your shoes on left foot first and then right?" and 2 questions later ask about socks.  Socks go on before shoes, so ask in that order.
The next tips are to pre-test your survey and consider your target audience.  This will help make sure the survey makes sense and will get you the answers you're looking for and not waste anyone's time.
If you have a sausage making company, vegan and vegetarian shoppers are NOT going to help you on your survey.
The last tips are to send several reminders.   I know this has helped me answer surveys.  The first time that I get an invitation,  I might not be in a good place to answer.  I will surely forget but I'll usually be in a better place when I get a reminder.  It also makes me feel like my opinion is really wanted and valuable.
The last tip is one that i already mentioned - offer an incentive.   I know I have answered many surveys to be able to receive a coupon for a free food item at one of my local fast food places.   It doesn't hurt that I tend to be food motivated!

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