Sunday, October 21, 2018

Researching for Marketing

It has been incredibly interesting to do the research for starting a CSA in my area.   in my case, i'm not trying to re-invent the wheel but I can definitely look at making the wheel better and getting it into the right hands.  It has been reassuring to see that others have had the same idea and been able to make a go of it.   It is also nice that there is a real community there of people who want to see other like minded people succeed in that area, as well.  It might seem a little counter-intuitive to share your successes and failures but right now, CSA's and Farm to Table is growing enough that there is plenty of room for people to join and participate.

It does mean that marketing, specializing and diversifying are very important. If you start off like every other company, who will want to buy from you?  What will set you apart?  Most people will look at longevity and price, and probably not in that order. Money talks and people want to save where they can.  That also means spending wisely and not buying from a company that won't delivery or that isn't tested and tried.

In the arena of new business, word of mouth and reviews will make such a difference.

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