Sunday, October 7, 2018

Impulse buying

Impulse buying is something that I think everyone is guilty of but some more than others.
It is hard to resist the BOGO call sometimes!

Impulse buying can be anything from gum or candy at the check out lane to clothes or electronics that seems to be on sale and can't be passed up - they are too good of a deal!

I think the idea of a deal or sale makes the shopping seem more urgent, since it is suddenly a limited time offer.  This is used in many areas including car sales.  How many people have been car shopping, been undecided and have had the salesperson tell them that the price is only good that day or that week?  Lots of people, I imagine.
The thrill of the deal and the pressure makes people more susceptible to giving in to that impulse.

Marketing91  has an article with their 9 ideas that elaborate on impulse buying.
Some people are more prone to enjoying shopping and getting a rush and some emotional fulfillment from any kind of shopping, including impulse buying.

Some people are lured in by a well designed display.  Either calm and orderly or brightly colored, either tactic can work, for the right audience.

Other factors that help are time and money.  Simply put, if you have the time to shop -  you will.
If you have the disposable income at hand, you'll find a way to spend it. 
of course, that doesn't always stop some people.  Which is why we have sch a huge credit card industry and so many people in debt. But that is another discussion.

One other area of impulse buying that I hadn't given much thought to is basically peer pressure.  A friend or loved one will encourage you to get that item.  Treat yo' self!  You deserve it!  It looks good on you!  I'd get it, if it were me.   You alone might not go on a shopping spree in the newest store, but once your friends are all getting several items, it seems that you are almost obligated to get something, as well.

Basically, pay attention to your shopping patterns.  Make a list and stick to it.  Never shop hungry or bored.  Or maybe, allot yourself a budget - $5 for impulse buying.

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