Sunday, November 18, 2018

Using email to reach customers

In a lot of the e-marketing and regular marketing that I have been reading about, it mentions email campaigns.  I've been wondering what all that means and really entails.  Like, I expect to get emails from companies that I know about and actively signed up to get their emails.  But how do I reach people who might not know about my company yet?

Campaign  has a very visually appealing site with lots of good information on how to get going with an email campaign.  It doesn't really expand on HOW to get the emails, other than ones you already have. does go in depth a little more but still really relies on getting people to give you their email once they are at your site.   One thing that was mentioned was making sure that your email is whitelisted, so that it doesn't get automatically blocked by major service providers.  

More reading suggests that if you don't have a site or are starting out, you'd need to spend some money on an Opt-in list.  And basically spam people that way.  It could be dangerous, as target customers might have a negative opinion after getting your email in their junk mail or it might pay off and get someone to look at your site who you might not have gotten to by other means.

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